Right now, this final week before Election Day is our last chance to draw a clear picture of what’s at stake in this election — and to mobilize people in our communities to join our site and be midterm voters. 

This is not just another election. We are living in a historical moment and taking our place in the long struggle for freedom and justice for all in Wisconsin and across the United States. 

We know that for democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. And MAGA Republicans know that we all want Wisconsin to be a place where our rights are respected, and our freedoms are protected. That’s why they may spread false claims on election day to keep us from voting or try to intimidate poll workers or voters. They’ll try to spread these threats and intimidation far and wide — we must ensure we don’t inadvertently help them. Just as we did in 2020, we are turning out in record numbers and telling our story as voters across race and place.

Once polls close, we know that our fight for our freedom to vote and to be counted will not be over. Just like 2020, we know that it takes time to count every vote, from votes cast on election day to in-person early votes, to absentee ballots. 

If we want the media to change the story, we have to give them a new story to tell. This election, that will require showing (not just telling) that we are turning out, that we are helping people vote, that we are living and breathing American values of freedom and liberty for all.

Freedom for All 

We’re thrilled to share with you this new short video, “Freedom For All,” from our friends at ASO Communications and Way to Win. This is our closing argument for the midterms — depicting us, right here, right now, in our rightful place in history and in the long struggle for free elections where every vote counts, and for freedom and justice for all in Wisconsin and across the United States. 

We need your help sharing this on your social media channels, in groups, and everywhere with your friends and family.  To help grow their momentum, please prioritize sharing the existing posts linked below over creating a new post.


Twitter: Twitter link to share can be found here.

The best way to help us amplify this is to quote tweet it, with copy like this:

  • You are a part of the fight for freedom. #VoteDemocrats

  • Powerful story of this moment - must watch! Vote until Nov. 8 to #ProtectOurFreedoms

  • Together, we decide what’s possible. #ProtectOurFreedoms #VoteDemocrats

Facebook/Instagram/Tik Tok and YouTube: 

Please share, comment and like the following posts. You can also use suggested messages from this digital toolkit or write your own. 

Facebook link 

Instagram link

YouTube link

Another video to share: 

This video calls out the Trump Republicans who allow wealthy corporations to gouge our prices and increase their profits while taking away our freedoms to provide and care for our families. 


Often in our attempts to shine a spotlight on what our opposition is doing, we instead end up helping them. For example, if we try to show why we needed more absentee ballot dropboxes by posting a picture of long lines at a polling location, we will actually discourage people who haven’t voted yet from going to cast their ballot (because nobody likes standing in long lines!). Here are a few things to keep in mind when we are trying to activate voters:

  • Call out our opposition’s motivation without repeating their lies. Our audience doesn’t need to know what they said– they need to know why they are saying it. “XXX is making false claims because they think that if they can make us distrust our democratic process and each other, they can rig the process to always be in their favor. Their strategy of hate and authoritarianism didn’t work in 2020, and we aren’t falling for it in 2022 either.”

  • Highlight positive experiences of voters and volunteers. There’s a reason those “I Voted!” selfies are so popular- they can give our networks social proof that most people are voters and make others want to join in. Share the good stuff! See a story about someone’s first time voting? Share! Did you have a quick and easy time in the booth? Post about it! Were there people dancing or having fun outside of a polling location, maybe holding “Vote here” signs? Take a video and get their permission to share it. There is joy in being a voter- let that come through.

  • Share how much we trust our professional election officials in Wisconsin. There will be efforts by our opposition to sow confusion about election processes and doubt in the results. They will try to frame uncertainty as illegitimacy. These efforts will include calling attention to results that conflict with earlier polls, contradictory projections, and shifting margins between candidates. We can dampen their efforts by not repeating them and instead start sharing now (and often) how our we trust our professional election officials in Wisconsin and how in Wisconsin, absentee ballots must be counted after same-day ballots are tallied.

  • Don’t spread fear. Thousands of people across Wisconsin will have a joyous, smooth, and meaningful experience on election day. Meanwhile, our opposition may try to spread stories of problems and obstacles in order to scare us away and suppress our votes. If someone needs assistance, alert them to the Election Protection Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE. But think more than twice about amplifying stories of problems, intimidation, or protests at polling places.  Though you may be well-meaning and attempting to draw attention to real issues of voter suppression, the opposition is relying on mass amplification of these stories to help foment feelings of disenfranchisement and decrease turnout. 



In America, we value our freedoms. 

But Trump Republicans are trying to get and hold power by taking away freedoms, fueling violence, and handing kickbacks to corporations who gouge prices and dodge taxes. 

We’ve seen that when they lose, they lie about the results and lash out to try and overthrow our elections. 

This November, our freedoms are on the ballot: the freedom to decide if and when to have children, to have affordable health care and preserve Social Security, and to cast our votes in free and fair elections. 

We need to elect leaders who will protect our freedoms and ensure we can decide our own futures. 


In Wisconsin, whether we’re Black, white or brown, we value our freedoms. 

Freedom to retire in dignity, decide whether and when we grow our families, and know our kids will make it home safe. 

But today, Trump Republicans want to take away our freedoms – ending Social Security and Medicare, outlawing abortion, and blocking gun safety – so they’re trying to scare us with false claims about where Democrats stand on crime. 

We see through these lies and will vote for Democrats to protect our freedoms.


From Up North to Milwaukee’s north side, most Wisconsinites believe in freedom, fairness and a better future. 

But today, a powerful few want to take away our freedoms. These Trump Republicans planned and paid for the January 6th attack on our country and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to sabotage our elections. and their wealthy donors endanger our future. 

We’ve seen what happens when Trump Republicans have claimed to be for freedom, only to take it away and impose their will. 

This November, our vote is our power; we are all part of the fight to protect our freedoms.



You can download and find Wisconsin-specific GIFs and memes here at this IntoAction library.


Here are some sample messages you can edit and share! 

From landing on the moon to legalizing marriage for all, we’ve made the impossible possible. With unity and action, we can forge a better future. This election, we get to decide what’s possible. What other historic wins can we achieve when we team up to vote?

This Tuesday, Wisconsinites from Beloit to Ashland and Hudson to De Pere are coming together to #ProtectOurFreedoms: the freedom to decide if and when to have children, to have affordable health care and preserve Social Security, and to cast our votes in free and fair elections.

Across generations, races, and places, Americans have marched, organized, boycotted and voted to demand freedom for all to live as equals. Together, we are a force more powerful. We can #ProtectOurFreedoms again this Tuesday when we vote.

Trump Republicans are hoping to turn us against Democrats who will protect our freedoms, families and futures.


We know better. Our vote is our power, and across our state we’re coming together as voters to elect leaders who fight for all of us, no exceptions.

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


This year is a pivotal crossroads for our state and our nation. In 2020, we came out in record numbers. We marched, we voted, we volunteered, and we elected new leaders to govern our interests. 

But now, our time is running out to ensure that every person in Wisconsin knows how much they made a difference. If we cut through the noise, we can ensure they know that they changed the direction of our state, improved our lives, and will do it again. 

Here’s the challenge: our collective knee-jerk reaction to disinformation and incorrect statements is to provide “enough” facts to win the day, argument and voter. But contrary to our instincts, this doesn’t work and can even strengthen our opponent’s narrative! 

When we try to bust a falsehood, what ends up happening is:

  • We deepen the audience’s belief in the lie

  • We repeat and reinforce our opponent’s frame

  • We expose the lie to folks that might not have heard it before

At the same time, we know we can’t stay silent. This monthly newsletter will help inform how to dispel lies and call out dog whistles without repeating them.


Freedom and the WI State Supreme Court
