The political attack on trans people, particularly on trans women, in Wisconsin is part of a coordinated, well-funded project of the global radical right deployed in Europe, the United States, and Russia. 

In all these countries, dehumanization and attacks against trans folks follow a familiar playbook, often invoking a false “feminism” to stoke hate against transwomen (often as it relates to abortion or sports) or resurrecting a generations-long trope that LGTBQ+ people and allies – as parents, in schools, and in public life – pose a danger to our kids.

We know this stokes violence against trans people in Wisconsin, particularly trans women of color. And we worry about the effect this political rhetoric has on trans youth, as their right to exist and be safe is debated so hatefully in the public sphere. 

In the United States, specifically in Wisconsin, we are witnessing a surge of transphobic rhetoric that is almost a mirror image of how dog whistles around education and “critical race theory” were deployed in the Spring.  

We keep each other safe, and we continue to grow and strengthen our broad, statewide coalition by:

  1. Exposing the individuals and organizations who deploy these dog whistles – and their motivations for doing so; 

  2. Rejecting our opponents’ attempts to isolate and dehumanize the trans community in ways big and small – from cynically exploiting our heartbreak and rage about Dobbs to mocking pronouns; 

  3. Never repeating our opposition’s lies, even to refute; and 

  4. By fighting for safety, well-being and justice all in Wisconsin, with no expectations. 

Together, we stand with trans Wisconsinites and LGBTQ+ organizations in Wisconsin and nationwide, such as Fair Wisconsin and the Human Rights Campaign of Wisconsin, who have raised the alarm about these dangerous and misleading dog whistles. 


  • LEAD WITH VALUES, not problems. Focus on what we want, not just what we don’t want, using language that paints a picture of our desired outcomes– every child able to play the sports they love and every person able to be who they are without fear. 

  • SPEAK CLEARLY AND VIVIDLY about bad actors and their motivations; for example, some politicians are weaponizing trans children to try to make us fear each other. They are hoping to gain political power by dividing us. We see through it, and we know better.  

  • MAKE CLEAR CALLS TO ACTION. Join people from across Wisconsin by being an early voter, calling this legislator, electing leaders who fight for all in Wisconsin, etc. 

HELPFUL RESOURCES: Transgender Youth And The Freedom To Be Ourselves

Messaging guidance based on the Race Class Narrative for organizers and advocates building a strong, vocal, and durable multiracial coalition championing a trans-inclusive, progressive vision for the country.

Tips for Inclusive language when talking about Reproductive Rights

A great video on using inclusive language here.


Thank you to ASO Communications for these researched sample narratives.

Freedom From Boxes 

Whether we are Black, white or brown, Native or newcomer, transgender or not, we want our kids to have the freedom to be themselves and pursue their dreams.

But certain politicians try to get and hold onto power by putting us in boxes based on what we look like, where we’re from, or our genders.

They fuel divisions between parents, denying Black and brown kids opportunities in segregated schools, pushing laws to erase our history — from Selma to Stonewall — of coming together to push for better, and exploiting lack of familiarity with transgender people to exclude transgender kids from healthcare, school, and sports.

By speaking out for welcoming, accurate, and fully funded education, we can make our schools places where children of all races and genders are free to learn all that they – and our country – have the potential to be.

Authentic Selves

Across our races, backgrounds, and genders, most of us want our kids to have the freedom to learn, to be themselves, and to grow up healthy and safe.

But a handful of politicians are stoking fears among parents to put their desire for political power over our children’s futures.

They spread lies against masks and vaccines, block efforts to protect kids from school shootings, pass laws to censor our history, and exploit lack of familiarity with transgender kids to distract from their failures to deliver for our families.

Telling hard truths and making sense of unfamiliar things isn’t easy.

But we owe it to our kids to come together and finally make this a country where children of all races and genders have the freedom to be true to who they are and honest about what our country is and has been, so they can learn from our mistakes, shape a better future, and pursue their dreams.

Youth Power

Young people across time, race, and movements for equality have always helped lead the way.

But now, as before, certain politicians are trying to get and hold onto power by silencing young people — stoking fear against Black and brown kids leading protests for racial justice, and taking advantage of unfamiliarity with transgender people to punish students for being their authentic selves.

Whenever a powerful few have tried to pick and choose who counts, there have always been those of us who showed up for each other and built welcoming communities.

Now it’s our time to show up, reject division, and chart a better future for all of us, no matter our ages, races, or genders.


Our genders; Genders

Pluralizing genders helps activate more expansive attitudes towards our genders and transgender people.

Respect each other for who we are, transgender or not;

Support all young people to be their authentic selves and pursue their dreams. Each one of us should have the freedom to be ourselves, no matter the color of our skin, how we worship, or our genders.

Promoting the creation of a positive good (the freedom of self-expression) is incredibly effective and generates support and trust for transgender young people to know what is best for their own health and well-being.

Some people in power try to put us in boxes based on what we look like, where we’re from, or our genders;

Certain politicians push laws that restrict our freedoms based on the color of our skin, what’s in our wallets, or because we are transgender.

The box metaphor is extremely effective and resonates with our friends and family, builds empathy, and galvanizes our communities to oppose those in power who seek to limit us based on who we are and control what transgender people can or cannot do.

Certain politicians exploit divisions among us to try to get back into power; Some people in power fuel divisions based on race and exploit our lack of familiarity with transgender people so they can deny our communities the resources, jobs, and healthcare we all need; A handful of politicians stoke fear, trying to get us to turn against some group instead of joining together to demand what all of our families need.

Framing the strategic racism of our opponents as fueling or exploiting existing divisions between us generates stronger agreement than directly blaming them for those divisions.

This is an especially important distinction when discussing how our opposition stokes the fear of transgender people.

By acknowledging our audience’s own questions, concerns, and lack of familiarity with what it means to be transgender, we can remind them of their better values and intentions and help them recognize how certain politicians take advantage of and manipulate their unease.


This year is a pivotal crossroads for our state and our nation. In 2020, we came out in record numbers. We marched, we voted, we volunteered, and we elected new leaders to govern in our interests. 

But now, our time is running out to ensure that every person in Wisconsin knows how much they made a difference. If we cut through the noise, we can ensure they know that they changed the direction of our state, improved our lives, and will do it again. 

Here’s the challenge: our collective knee-jerk reaction to disinformation and incorrect statements is to provide “enough” facts to win the day, argument and voter. But contrary to our instincts, this doesn’t work and can even strengthen our opponent’s narrative! 

When we try to bust a falsehood, what ends up happening is:

  • We deepen the audience’s belief in the lie

  • We repeat and reinforce our opponent’s frame

  • We expose the lie to folks that might not have heard it before

At the same time, we know we can’t stay silent. This monthly newsletter will help inform how to dispel lies and call out dog whistles without repeating them.


