We Believe in Wisconsin


We are thrilled to announce the launch of our We Believe in Wisconsin campaign. We Believe is a coalition of statewide groups united by shared values and a commitment to a brighter future. Together, we emphasize dignity, safety, and freedom for all, ensuring every Wisconsinite can thrive regardless of where we live, who we love, or the color of our skin.

Being part of We Believe in Wisconsin means we’re all committed to sharing the same messages. This election season, all the organizations who are part of the We Believe in Wisconsin campaign are one choir, singing from the same hymnal. By sharing a narrative, we cut through the noise and confusion and give people something to be part of that’s bigger than any one organization or election.

There are two easy ways for you to participate right now! First, engage with and share our WBIW posts on our social media.

Second, join the "Wisconsin Wonder Challenge," a social media challenge meant to showcase Wisconsin's diverse landscapes, vibrant communities, and rich cultural heritage. We want to inspire people to appreciate and believe in the beauty and potential of Wisconsin so we feel connected to each other in the face of our opposition trying to divide us in a contentious election year. A new theme will be introduced every two weeks on our social media pages and website. We want you all to get excited and find joy in this wonderful state we live in again. Here’s how to get started:  

  1. Follow AIW's social media platforms to find out what the bi-weekly challenges are. (Twitter: @WisconsinAllin, Instagram: @WisconsinAllin Facebook: All in Wisconsin)

  2. A new theme will be announced every other week, such as "Best Eats," "Brews & Views," and more! Venture out to explore the chosen theme by capturing photos, videos, and stories of your experiences. This week, it's "What do you love about your neighborhood?"

  3. Share your experiences with us on social media using hashtags #WisconsinWonderChallenge and #WeBelieveInWisconsin, and tag our official accounts.

Join us in spreading this message and embodying these values. We're in this historic moment together. And together, we get to be the creators of our future and forge a Wisconsin we can all believe in.


Milwaukee is Terrific


Happy Earth Month!