No one deserves gun violence.


The Republican National Convention (RNC) was in Milwaukee July 15 - 18, 2024. Along with the Trump rally events, there are so many things we all could and want to say. But we know that maintaining a strong progressive front, not taking the bait, and breaking through the noise is how we combat the dangerous rhetoric, lies, and disinformation that MAGA politicians want to spread across our communities. Please use this month’s newsletter as a guide on how to talk to folks (in-person and online!) this week.

Thank you to our friends at A Better Wisconsin Together and ASO Communication for key parts of this guidance.

Trump Rally Events

As we grapple with the events of the Trump campaign rally, the following are overarching messaging guidelines and suggested messaging from Research Collaborative and ASO Communications.

  • Make clear we face a choice between two competing futures. One where our leaders implement real solutions or one where we allow MAGA Republicans to control us, including unleashing more violence in our communities.

  • Avoid feeding “both sides” sentiments. Statements about how we must all remember to act peacefully, or recommit to the democratic process, or pledge to condemn hateful rhetoric, make it seem that political and other violence are of origins unknown. Despite their excellent intentions, these statements imply that Democrats have been guilty of stoking violence to date and must correct their ways.

  • Seize the moral high ground. Present popular solutions to violence and demand unity not as rhetoric but as concrete action. In this case, that means passing an assault weapons ban. In contrast, saying “we must all join together” without action attached can imply a commitment to temper our truth telling about the authoritarian threat before us.

  • Avoid making exceptional this instance of violence. While the political nature of the event makes it unique, attempted mass shootings are tragically common here. What occurred at the rally should always be framed within the broader context that we have a massive problem in our country: ready access to deadly weapons. Otherwise, we feed the right-wing narrative that Trump is uniquely targeted and is a political hero, near martyr.

  • Do not volunteer the label “attempted assassination.” Doing so fuels the idea of Trump as a unique victim, would-be martyr, and strongman hero for evading a plot on his life. Further, it eclipses from view the others killed and critically wounded. Refer to it as “mass shooting at Trump rally” or “Trump rally violence.”

  • Do not amplify right-wing hatred. Cataloging examples of MAGA Republicans’ violent rhetoric spreads their statements. While it is understandably satisfying to point out their hypocrisy, such arguments have always fallen flat with voters. They rely on people caring about process - politicians being consistent in their actions and speech, which voters already assume never happens. Instead, it’s far better to present outcomes based arguments - making clear how current events and desired solutions will impact real people’s lives.

  • Take care not to feed hunger for a “strongman.” While it is critical to name the need to address the violence in our country, focusing too much on “danger,” especially without indicating we have solutions for it, risks tacitly feeding desire for an authoritarian “strongman.” When people are operating from fear, they are more susceptible to promises that someone can come and provide “law and order.”

Narrative Example

No matter our background, zip code, or political party, most of us believe that violence has no place in our political process and weapons of war have no place in our communities. We all deserve to live our lives, move through our communities, and engage in our political process peacefully — whether we are running for office or running through a school hallway.

Voters in this election have a chance to reject a MAGA movement that feeds, grows off and promises more violence, and choose instead a country where no one fears for our lives or our loved ones. A country where we ban weapons of war so they’re not used against elementary schoolers or politicians, moviegoers or concert attendees. A country where the people who represent us respect our freedoms — to live without fear of gun violence, to cast our votes and have them counted, and to decide for ourselves what our futures will hold.


Here is some topline guidance on talking the RNC this week.

DO NOT allow right-wing bad actors to dodge accountability for issues they want to avoid by using disinformation and extremism to deflect and distract.

Instead… point to Project 2025 and its attacks on our rights and freedoms as a way to increase awareness and opposition.

DO NOT allow the MAGA faction to weaponize these “themes” as a way to dominate the conversation and put progressives on the defense.

Instead… stay on offense. Lead with progressive framing - especially on public safety and rising costs - pivoting the conversation away from right-wing frames and back to issues and solutions that better reflect Wisconsinites’ concerns.

Public Safety

  • Top-line Reminders:

    • Pivot to progressive public safety messaging that uplifts proactive solutions and focuses on priority issues that actually keep people safe – like food security, housing, public education, gun safety, etc.

  • Actively work to expose GOP motives around “crime” disinformation by calling out racist dog whistles and exposing how bad actors are spreading lies about immigrants and Black communities to distract, deflect, and divide.

  • The Narrative:

    • “Across race and zip code, all of us want to keep our families safe- and it starts with resources in our communities that address public safety at the source. In the safe communities that we deserve to live in, nobody should have to wonder if they’ll have a warm place to lay their head, where their next meal will come from, or if they can afford medical and mental health care. While progressives fight for common sense gun safety laws and investments in healthcare and housing, GOP politicians are seeking to divide and endanger us by spreading lies about our local neighborhoods, pandering to the gun lobby, and ignoring the foundations of what makes a safe community.”

Rising Costs

  • Top-Line Reminders:

    • Do not focus on intangible things like “inflation” and “economy,” but instead prioritize talking about the economic issues that impact real people’s lives and reflect voters’ actual concerns – like putting food on the table and affording rent.

  • The Narrative:

    • “Rising costs and an increasing difficulty to get ahead is frustrating. But, while our families struggle to afford housing and groceries, greedy corporations and billionaires are raking in record profits as MAGA politicians like Donald Trump help them evade paying what they owe in taxes. We deserve action on lowering everyday costs for hardworking families, not more tax breaks for the wealthiest few.”

General Messaging Reminders

  • Lead with shared values

  • Name the villains and their motives

  • Leverage how unpopular the MAGA agenda is among Wisconsinites

  • Paint a clear, vivid picture of tangible outcomes we want for Wisconsin/for our country

  • Contrast the larger MAGA agenda (Project 2025) with the vision Wisconsinites want and believe in

General Disinformation Best Practices

RNC Graphics

Statement from Dr. Cass

Let us not forget the countless number of Americans who have been the victims of gun violence- the type of violence that's emboldened by the party that Trump boldly and impulsively embodies. Since the incident, I've been advised about what should and shouldn't be said. I have seen so many statements using the "Violence is never the answer" diatribe, but how do you let your pockets get padded by gun lobbyists without considering the violence it takes to shoot a gun? How do you actively participate in war after war without the consideration of gun violence? Each and every time that a gun (or any weapon) is fired, it's an act of violence.

Let's not get trapped in the correct way to say things or the fear of not audaciously continuing this fight because we are still in the fight of our lives for our democracy. We have never fought with bullets and have always stayed true to our values to fight for freedom. The bottom line is that no one gets to take my fight from me, and I won't let fear or hate win.

No one deserves or should be the victim of gun violence.


  • LEAD with shared values — such as community, safety, prosperity, equity, justice, or fairness — in a way that names race and class while bringing people together.

  • FOCUS on the creation of good — delivering jobs and healthcare, funding schools and communities, creating a process where every Wisconsinite can safely and freely cast our ballot, etc. — tangible positive outcomes, rather than the amelioration of harm (e.g., “provide for every child so they can achieve their dreams” instead of “fix our broken system”)

  • CAST ‘we the people,’ everyday Wisconsinites, as protagonists: Only by acting together can we move Wisconsin forward — in contrast to how our opposition is trying to hold us back. We turned out in record numbers to elect leaders to care for us and act in our interests. We pulled together throughout this pandemic to deliver meals, support neighborhood businesses, support our kids and care for loved ones. That’s why it’s so important that we bring our neighbors and communities into the story as its main actors and as active agents who can and will change the outcome.

  • CHARACTERIZE the opposition: Who is violating our values? How are they doing it? What is their motivation? What role does race play? These are all questions we need to answer clearly (without jargon!) in our messaging.

  • DEFINE + DELIVER: define this moment as a pivotal crossroads and deliver a positive, inspirational vision for the future we will create together for a Wisconsin where we all can thrive. We believe that we will win.

  • AVOID the opposition frame (e.g. CRT, parental control) and PIVOT to our frames of freedom, safety, community, etc.

  • DO NOT REPEAT accusations, even to refute them. (e.g. do not say “critical race theory is not....”)

  • AVOID THE ‘RECIPE’: as always, say the brownie, not the recipe. The freedom to vote, rather than the abstraction of democracy. The ability to see a doctor when we need it, rather than simply saying expand healthcare.


Power-Grabbing Amendments


Milwaukee is Terrific