Power-Grabbing Amendments


It’s almost Election Day! No, not the November election - we’re talking about August 13, a very important primary election. There will be two questions on your ballot about who gets to allocate federal money and when. Make no mistake: these are devious changes designed by a wealthy and powerful few who are hoping for a sneaky power grab while they try to confuse us with misleading language.

They designed these amendments in order to give themselves: 1) the main authority to decide who in Wisconsin is worthy (and pointedly, who is not) of federal funds during emergencies like tornadoes and floods, and 2) an avenue to weaken the governor’s role while pointing the finger at him for barriers they themselves put in place.

This month’s newsletter focuses on how to talk truthfully about these ballot amendments to remind our audiences what we really need from our leaders and point out the motivations behind the false narratives being fed to us by people who want to divide us.

As always, if our messages don’t spread, they don’t work. So use them, share them, repeat them, and then do it all over again.


Wisconsin voters will be asked two questions to amend the state constitution on their August ballot. These potential changes seek to redefine how federal money gets distributed and who has the power to make those decisions. These large, sweeping changes would impact a wide range of issues voters care about, from education to the environment to how quickly the government can respond to emergencies (like a public health crisis or a natural disaster).


Our friends at the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and the League of Women Voters have been working hard to spread the word about these amendments and encourage people to vote NO on both of them. Here are their calls to action:

  • Watch the webinar: Why Vote No: August 13 Statewide Constitutional

  • Distribute and share these printable flyers in your community

  • Post #VoteNoWisconsin content on your personal social media accounts, including Facebook groups and NextDoor (see below for examples)

  • Send out a postcard

  • Share this Double-sided handout

  • Write a letter to the editor using the narrative below as a guide

  • Text your friends, family, and others in your network

  • Sample message: Hey! Just wanted to make sure you’re ready to vote on August 13. A lot of people don’t know that there will be 2 questions on their ballot to amend the constitution. Please vote NO on both! We need to ensure our government has the ability to respond quickly in an emergency (like tornadoes or storms). That’s why I’m voting NO to both questions and hope you will, too. I’d be happy to send you more info if you’re interested.


No matter our race, background, or zip code, as Wisconsinites, we pride ourselves on taking care of one another. Whether it’s helping shovel someone's blocked car after a snowstorm, offering to watch the kiddos while our neighbor runs an errand, or supporting local businesses, we step up for one another. And we expect our government to do the same and provide quick relief to Wisconsinites in need.

Unfortunately, some politicians are trying to impede relief through two amendments on your August 13 ballot. These amendments would delay the federal funds we rely on during crises and natural disasters. These leaders also aim to hoard more power and weaken the governor’s ability to provide us with quick relief. They are hoping to execute a sneaky power grab while confusing us with misleading language on our ballots.

Thankfully, we’re well onto their schemes by now and aren’t falling for it. We know they’d rather play dirty politics against the governor than work for the rest of us. Together, we can stop this power grab and make sure we get what we need when we need it.

Vote NO this August 13 to protect our communities and ensure our governor can continue to provide the timely support we depend on. #VoteNoWisconsin on both constitutional amendments.


GIF to share

Graphics to use

Here are some sample messages you can edit and share!

Wisconsinites take care of one another When natural disasters like floods or tornados hit our communities, we need relief quickly. The amendments on your Aug 13 ballot could drag out the process and delay necessary federal funds from getting to the folks who need it. #VoteNoWisconsin on both constitutional amendments this August.

It's no secret that Wisconsin’s legislature spends more time playing partisan games than acting on the issues most Wisconsinites care about. When natural disasters strike we don’t have time to wait for the slow-moving legislature to get funds to communities in need. That’s why I'm voting NO on both constitutional amendments this August. #VoteNoWisconsin

Our state relies on federal funds for our schools, parks, health care, and so much more. I'm voting NO on both constitutional amendments in August so that our governor can accept and allocate federal funds without being stopped or delayed by the legislature. #VoteNoWisconsin

No matter what, all Wisconsinites deserve quick relief and support after a natural disaster. Vote NO on both amendments on August 13 to protect the right of all of us to get what we need quickly and fairly #VoteNoWisconsin


  • LEAD with shared values — such as community, safety, prosperity, equity, justice, or fairness — in a way that names race and class while bringing people together.

  • FOCUS on the creation of good — delivering jobs and healthcare, funding schools and communities, creating a process where every Wisconsinite can safely and freely cast our ballot, etc. — tangible positive outcomes, rather than the amelioration of harm (e.g., “provide for every child so they can achieve their dreams” instead of “fix our broken system”)

  • CAST ‘we the people,’ everyday Wisconsinites, as protagonists: Only by acting together can we move Wisconsin forward — in contrast to how our opposition is trying to hold us back. We turned out in record numbers to elect leaders to care for us and act in our interests. We pulled together throughout this pandemic to deliver meals, support neighborhood businesses, support our kids and care for loved ones. That’s why it’s so important that we bring our neighbors and communities into the story as its main actors and as active agents who can and will change the outcome.

  • CHARACTERIZE the opposition: Who is violating our values? How are they doing it? What is their motivation? What role does race play? These are all questions we need to answer clearly (without jargon!) in our messaging.

  • DEFINE + DELIVER: define this moment as a pivotal crossroads and deliver a positive, inspirational vision for the future we will create together for a Wisconsin where we all can thrive. We believe that we will win.

  • AVOID the opposition frame (e.g. CRT, parental control) and PIVOT to our frames of freedom, safety, community, etc.

  • DO NOT REPEAT accusations, even to refute them. (e.g. do not say “critical race theory is not....”)

  • AVOID THE ‘RECIPE’: as always, say the brownie, not the recipe. The freedom to vote, rather than the abstraction of democracy. The ability to see a doctor when we need it, rather than simply saying expand healthcare.


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